Monday, February 17, 2020

Discuss.. The image of managers as rational and analytical planners, Essay - 1

Discuss.. The image of managers as rational and analytical planners, decision makers and issuers of commands does not stand up to scrutiny when researchers examine what managers actually do - Essay Example The other members of the organizational community may be attached to the organization as their economic activity or as a source of some satisfaction. Besides, the nature of human being that deviates from the ideal situation does not allow them to operate collectively towards the achievement of common objective. There is a lot of diversity among the human resource. There is also need to plan the activities of an organization and make appropriate decisions at certain points in the organization. These require some kind of management, a way of passing information and coordinating the activities in the organization (Watson 2003, p4). The roles of the various employees need to be defined, there is need to supervise how the employees perform the tasks as a way of appraisal or dismissal, and there is a need to review the organizations objectives and evaluate the overall performance of the organization. There is a need to establish proper relation with the individuals that are outside the org anization as well. The diverse need of the community that surrounds the organization including the employees of the organization is what makes management one of the challenging roles in an organization. A manager who partly owns a company will provide a different managerial approach than the other one who has no share in the organization (James, 1999, p.2). The role of managers in an organization has received various scrutinies due to the ambiguity that exists in defining term itself. The operations in a given organization may not go on smoothly not because the top management consists of incompetent personnel but because the managers are not doing the right things. Watson (2001) thus describes management in three different aspects: management as a function, management as activities and management as a team of people (p.35). The kind of manager that Watson mentions includes both the middle manager and the senior manager. The

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